Friday, November 19, 2010

Be Still

View of the lake at Sumatanga
Photo by Blake Kendrick

The pile of leaves I have to rake out of the seat of my swing tells me it's been too long since I sat in my backyard and just allowed myself to be still. One of my resolutions to myself upon returning from the Academy for Spiritual Formation this week is to be outside more, so here I am, armed with a cup of cinnamon apple tea, my journal and a pen. Between the busy wrens and the daredevil squirrels, there is enough action to keep me from becoming restless. And even if the creatures weren't stirring, the leaves lit up by the sun give me a palette of fall color to enjoy. 

Nature draws me closer to God, and this was made evident to me at Camp Sumatanga last week when I was at Academy. Fall is a wonderful time to be outside, and I soaked it up every chance I could while I was there last week.

So while it may seem frivolous to some that I pause my life to venture outside and just be, I know that this is a practice that feeds my soul, a spiritual discipline that is vital to my life in Christ.

I am blessed to have a place at my house to soak up God's creation, yet even if I didn't I know I could find some place of refuge where my heart could express its love to God. I know that even as much as I enjoy this time, God enjoys it more, for his desire is for me to desire him, to choose to spend time basking in his glorious presence, undistracted by what the world says is necessary. Is this the thing that Mary found, sitting at the feet of Jesus?

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