Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Gift of Life

A recent conversation with someone who shared her struggle with the untimely death of a family member got me thinking about life, and caused me to ask the question: is life a right or a gift? While I may say it’s a gift, I more often treat it as if it were a right. Even the term “untimely death” illustrates that I consider life a right, like someone died before they were supposed to. We may not say it, but we often think that person was robbed, as if something that belonged to them was taken away.

Yet is my life really my own? My life is given to me as a gift, and just as Jesus gave his life for me, discipleship means that I give my life for others. Each day is a gift from God for me to return to God as a gift by living a life that glorifies God.

With that perspective, there is no untimely death. If I awake each day aware of the gift that day is, then every moment is an occasion for joy. When I can be grateful for each moment I am more likely to live fully in the present, taking nothing for granted. Living in the present moment keeps me focused on the gift of the now, instead of worrying about a future that may or may not be given to me. I should appreciate the gift I have instead of seeking another gift.

Every day is a gift from God. May I accept it with gratitude, living each moment to the fullest to show my love and appreciation.

He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
                                                                             Ephesians 2:10b

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