Wednesday, December 13, 2017

An Advent Prayer

“. . . you’ve hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have shown them to babies. Indeed, Father, this brings you happiness.”   Matthew 11:25-26

Loving God, don’t let me be so wise,
so intelligent, so busy, so practical, that I miss
the miracle before me. Do not let my heart grow numb,
unable to muster awe and wonder and love.
Keep me from the cynics, the complainers,
the rushing-arounders who have no time and
no use for a tree full of joy,
gifts given in love, or the sparkle in a child’s eye.

May I find a silent night, or several,
in which to sit with The Story,
in which to enter it afresh.
Light the Christ candle in my heart today and throughout
this season, that I may be aglow with your love
and presence. May my heart
be a welcoming womb for your Great Gift to us.
O come Emmanuel. Amen.

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