And you find your soul, and greatness has a defender. . .
From “People Like Us,” by Robert Bly
I claim to want to find my soul, yet today
and tomorrow stretch before me with minimal agenda.
Instead of joy, I feel fear. The vulnerability of open space
is like being on a treeless plain exposed to enemies
who come to do battle.
Is this more true than I realize?
Are the enemies my own fears and longings
kept at bay by my busyness?
Outward silence and solitude don’t mean
I’m alone and quiet. There is a cacophony within;
I feel like the Gerasene demoniac. Legion is my name.
I want to find my soul. I want to be well. Down deep,
beneath the inner noise, I know this is true.
You have made me for greatness, for largeness,
for fullness of joy. Free me from the noise within me.
Let me hear the song you sing to my soul.
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