But I am among you
as one who serves.
The humility of Jesus should stop us in our tracks. In
all he did, he served. His healing, his teaching, his living, even in his admonishing
of the Jewish leaders, he acted with love and humility. He was always a servant
of God.
Those last two words—of God—remind me of the right
orientation of our service. When faced with a decision of which master to
serve, there is really only one choice, and to serve God faithfully will not
always appease other masters whose ways and values take us away from God’s love
and mission. We who live economically and socially comfortable lives can easily
be distracted from serving God. We like our power, our possessions, our
comfortable morality and our freedom of choice. We are deluded into thinking we
are serving God by being “nice.” Yet our very conformity to the culture within
which we live tells us that our master is not God.
Those of us who
have power within churches can lose sight of who we serve when we wield our
power out of fear or arrogance, when we capitulate to the temptation to be “relevant”
rather than relational, when we push certain people to the margins because of lack
of attractiveness, community prestige, age, ability, or economic power and
elevate those who can make a “big splash.”
Jesus did not hang around the pretty and powerful. He
chose those who were at the margins, who were diseased, poor and lacked
influence. He identified with the oppressed and powerless, the ones we might cast
aside even in our churches today.
To be like Jesus, to be one who serves when serving
brings abuse, rejection and false accusation, is not easy. To choose the
popular way of our culture, exercising power and might fueled by pride and
greed, is much easier, because it keeps us within the status quo and keeps us
in control. We have to be careful in our choice of master to serve.