1 Corinthians 13, Paul’s famous writing about love, is
one of the lectionary texts for this coming Sunday. It’s an interesting choice,
alongside Jeremiah’s call to be a prophet (Jeremiah 1:4-10) and Jesus claiming
his call in his hometown synagogue as he reads from Isaiah (Luke 4:21-30). Yet
I see how love connects these two stories, because both are about the ability to
speak and act congruently and courageously, powered by deep love of God.
Paul is blunt: no matter how powerful and dramatic our
actions may be, if they don’t arise from love of God, they are meaningless. Our
words about love are hollow if our actions aren’t congruent with them, not
matter how emphatically or often we claim to love others.
When love dwells in our innermost being, our words and
actions are integrated, and what we do and say builds God’s kingdom. If,
however, pride is what dwells in our innermost being, there is no room for
love, and no matter what we say and do to prove otherwise, there will be a
disconnect between our words and actions. I believe Paul knew that, which is
why he points out that love isn’t self-seeking, arrogant, jealous or boastful.
Love doesn’t keep a scorecard of the good it does, while pride wants every good
deed or word recorded and seen by others.
People rooted in pride may say they love others, but
their actions betray their hearts. Or they may perform acts of charity, all the
while criticizing those they claim to serve. Or they may shun small deeds of
service because they won’t be seen or praised by others.
However, those who have hearts full of love act and speak
with integrity. What they say is consistent with what they do. They may not say
much and what they do may not be noticed by many, but in consistent ways they
demonstrate what is within their hearts. It is such as these who lay down their
lives for others in countless small ways, who sacrifice much without fanfare because
love fills their hearts.
When I consider that Jeremiah faced hardship as a
prophet, and that Jesus was rejected by those who thought they knew him, I can
see that they endured because their eyes were fixed on the object of their
love. They put God first, and not only with their lips but in their hearts.
Paul knew that pride and love cannot occupy the same
space within us. Where pride dwells, there is no room for love. May we evict
pride and invite love into our hearts!
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